Attention Members! The club will be closed Saturday, March 2nd 2024 until 4pm for the Dan Miller church group to have a private shoot. The club will reopen at 4pm. Thank you
Events & Schedules
Members or soon to be members – as you may have been seen on my FB page, a tree went through my house and took power and everything out. It may be a few weeks yet until I have power. Needless to say, I can’t work too much on things […]
Membership Cards
Ponds Rule Change 7-10-19

Lee Brown is selling ball caps with our club name! Get yours today, show your friends where you hunt, fish, and enjoy the outdoors with pride. 15% of all sales go to our club. For more information contact Lee Brown at (419) 651-0730
Lenape Trail ball caps

Veterans in Ohio no longer have to pay for CCW license new or renewal, and Military Veterans no longer have to take a class prior to getting a CCW license.
Attention Veterans! New CCW law
__________________________ 2017 February 14th – trap shoot February 28th – trap shoot March 7- 40 Bird Trap Shoot March 13th – trap shoot March 27th – trap shoot April 4th – 40 Bird […]