These are the size and bag limits for the club ponds. Bag limits are in the aggregate, per group.
Bluegill and Shellcracker – 9 inches
Perch – 10 inches
Crappie – 10 inches
Bass – 14 inches
Channel Catfish – 16 inches
The west pond for Catfish is catch and release only until we see the size of the catfish are increasing.
Total fish per family per day is 15 fish, and only 2 of that may be Bass. This is for the entire group fishing together, not individually. So if your group is fishing and you catch 15 panfish altogether then you’ve reached your limit, or 13 panfish and 2 bass, or 3 Catfish (except the west pond) two bass and 10 panfish, etc.
We have stocked the ponds and are trying to increase the size and amount of fish in them. These limits will probably change year to year.